Welcome to the 2023-2024 Be Bold Girls Changemaker Challenge
This registration must be submitted by an Adult Team Lead on behalf of their student members on the team. 
If you are a student looking to register for this competition please request your parent, legal guardian, educator or club sponsor aged over 18 register you or your team on your behalf.
Registration deadline is February 24, 2024.
We require a minimum of one student and a maximum of 6 students for each team.  All teams must have at least one team member available to present in-person in Redmond, WA or virtually on Changemaker Challenge Pitch Day, March 9, 2024.
By submitting this form, you provide consent on behalf of all your team members to the Be Bold Girls Team to use your team's submission content for communication and promotion purposes. 
/ February
Changemaker Challenge Team Registration Deadline
/ March
Changemaker Challenge Pitch Submission Deadline
Submit to
/ march
Changemaker Challenge Pitch Day
challenge overview
You will be required to present your Changemaker Challenge pitch with your team in-person on the Microsoft Campus in Redmond, Washington, or virtually on March 9, 2023.
Your team must be registered on by your adult leader (parent, guardian, educator, club sponsor) no later than midnight PST on February 24th.
Each team will be composed of at least one member and no more than 6 members to qualify. All team members must be 7th to 12th graders.
Each team will be required to design and present a solution addressing an issue impacting young women and girls.
The team will research their target audience and then propose a solution design to bring to market/community/school that will address a problem impacting young women and girls. They must explain why, based on the research, they believe this solution has potential and describe the impact they expect it to have.
All The presented solutions will be evaluated by a panel of professional experts. The design proposed should either be a new solution or improve on an existing solution.
presentation guidelines
All participating teams will be required to prepare a pitch presentation consisting of 5 minutes to pitch your idea plus 5 minutes to answer questions and receive feedback from the panel. Teams may use any format they wish e.g. video, PowerPoint, demonstration, or other format. Teams are required to submit all pitch materials to by 11:59PM Pacific Time on March 3, 2024.
Each team will be invited to present their solution on Changemaker Challenge Pitch Day, March 9, 2024.
All presentations must include:
A description and name of the solution
A problem statement and short description of the scale of the problem the solution is designed to solve
Share the approach and key findings of the research conducted by the team to support their proposal
How easily it could be implemented
Expected impact of the solution on target audience
Presentation Evaluation & Awards
A panel of professional experts will evaluate each teams solution design presentation on Changemaker Pitch Day: March 9th, 2024 using the rubric criteria below.
All participants will be awarded a Changemaker Challenge Certificate and digital badge. There will also be special awards recognizing best in class on the day.
Design Solution Evaluation Criteria
Criterion Low (1 point) Medium (2 points) High (3 points) 
In what ways did you show depth of understanding of the problem? How clear is the problem statement?
Low = 1 : Minimal understanding of the issue, lacks clarity and problem statement is ill-defined
Medium = 2  : The problem statement is relatively clear and understandable 
High = 3  : Demonstrates depth of understanding of the problem, clearly defined and easy to understand
How does this explanation show depth of understanding? How much of your research is shown in this explanation? Is this explanation easy to understand? Does this explanation correctly portray the scale of the need?
Low = 1 : Lacks thorough research, or logical approach and minimal findings
Medium = 2  : The information on the target audience is sufficient but not deep
High = 3  : Thorough insights, data clearly presented/stated. Well researched
Is your entry original? How is it different from others? What stands out? 
Low = 1 : Lacks innovative thinking and originality when compared to other solutions available
Medium = 2  : Some innovative thinking but may lack originality i.e., overlap with existing solutions
High = 3  : The idea expresses strong innovative thinking - either a new solution or strong improvement to existing solution
What effect will your solution have on young girls? How will it benefit them? Will it be able to help solve that issue? Will young girls be willing to use this solution?
Low = 1 : Lacks clear impact or benefit
Medium = 2  : Impact and benefits as described meet expectations
High = 3  : Appeal, impact, and benefits exceed expectations
How clearly was the problem and solution presented? Was it well articulated? Easy to understand?
Low = 1 : Difficulty in presenting idea, missing elements of presentation
Medium = 2  : Presentation delivery lacks some clarity and organization and is moderately creative
High = 3  : Delivery is clear, well organized, and in presented in a creative manner